Monday 27 April 2015

The World As I See It.

             "What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly."
The feeling is same, this all is chaos to me. It is terrible, very terrible. At different times, deciphering between right and wrong has always remained a tough choice for me. However, this time, i know, its completely unfair.

On one fine day, a close friend called me very late in the night and said:
"I m a female, not that it should make any difference but in our society it does.....Why?"
I had no idea what hell had gone wrong with her. Why was she talking like that. However, somehow, i managed to mitigate her. But all through the next few days, the question kept hitting like a slap in my face. Why does it make any difference? I didn't put the blame on god, but whom is to blame then?

Another fine night and I was traveling to some place. It was a full moon night with stars glittering right up in the sky. The bus stopped at the some halt. Two women wearing modern attire entered the bus. Accompanied by no-one, they looked pretty confident. The journey was indeed pleasant before they entered the bus. As for no reason, the whole bus started staring at them and many also started passing bad comments. Things became bad, indeed worst. However, later the whole incident was  settled down  by some external interference. But this disturbing journey again made me think, whom is to blame? Their attire or the night?   

A few days back, while i was passing down the lane, i saw a man beating her wife. She was crying in pain for she did not pay her man for alcohol. It was really shameful incident, that in a country where even cows are treated as sacred as mothers, wives are beaten to death. However, the question still remain, whom is to blame? Alcohol or the money?

Another-day, a young women got to know that she had been cheated by her lover all through her life. While she was down on her knees, completely shattered. The man dint even have the balls to admit the truth. Whom is to blame? Love or something else? 

All of these incidents have one same question, whom is to blame? We may also leave it for the time to decide, but i know even this lifetime will be too short to embrace the answers. Nevertheless, we know the answers, still we'll come back time and time to ask whom is to blame?

Monday 5 January 2015

Life Lessons

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both....
All of us must have read this beautiful creation by Robert Frost once in our life time. I too read it in my text books of IX grade. But, I hardly understood the real meaning hidden in the poem then. Also, i didn’t feel that, somewhere down the line, there would be a time in my life where I'll be standing at the same point where two roads diverge in a yellow wood.
Now-a-days, I have realised that now and then life has been surprising me with choices, choices which are awfully confusing and always pushing me in dire straits. When I look around myself, talk to people and my friends, I find many of them in the same situation. I am not talking about the materialistic choices like buying a "Levis" or "Gucci", a "Nike" or "Adidas". These all are material choices. And these all are in a way meaningless.

What make things go really messy are the big choices that make bigger differences in our lives. One such difficult choice can be choosing the career path. Every-time it happens, both the paths seems equally confusing. They both seem equally good and bad, both have certain constraints, both are  appreciated as well as criticised.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
Which one to choose?  This question really freaks my mind, time and time.
So, I made up my mind with this mantra. Make any one of the two choices and keep telling yourself that it is the best path for you or the best decision you could make. Proceed, believing in yourself. If all goes well, then nothing like that. However, if it happened that the other path could have had much better life, then DON’T REGRET THE DECISION you made. Because there is no way you could have known the results earlier. As the only way to know is by going for it. It was your decision, you choose what seemed best to you.Take responsibility and move forward but never ever regret over the decision. Be fearless, confident. And take your decisions and make them right. 

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

P.S. Guest Post By Vipul Bansal.

Monday 29 December 2014

Life is Beautiful.

It was one of those days that nobody ever wants to see in ones life. The day when the most precious gift, life itself, seems like a curse. The day when you want to give-up on everything. The day when you go to bed, wishing not to see the next day. The day when you question your own existence. The day, when you anguish; why you were ever born?

You might find yourself on a way with little or no options at all, where giving-up on everything seems more easier than bearing up with the pain. Where you feel there is no one to look after you, where everything vis-à-vis grief seems trivial. At this point, admitting defeat looks like the only feasible option, but it should never be the last resort, because you are defeated only when you give-up. Good things take very good time, all you need to keep is patience.

Were you not ever born, the number of lives you have touched upon, would hardly been any different. The faces lit-up by you in your life time, memories and a lot more might never have happened. Consciously or unconsciously, the difference you have made to others' lives would never have been there. All of it happened, because of you, because you met the all these people.

The best part of this life is that everything is temporal, nothing lasts forever. Be it pain or be it happiness. Even life ends in a flash. Therefore improvise with what you have in hand and make the most of now. There is nothing better than now. Believe me, eternity is a big curse.

Also, you wont get everything you ever want in your life. However, the magnificent part of life is that you'll always have something in disguise that you ever wanted. Things you always want are wrapped up in a cover, you just have to uncover this cover.

Being born as a human being is the best thing that can happen to anyone. Travel the world, read lot of books, make billion friends, try different cuisines, find the stupid crazy child in you. Dare to dream, be adventurous, sporty and a lot more. Don't be upset about your present situation, it'll definitely change because you know you can change it. Learn from the situation and move on. There is much more to life than being sad. Sad is boring.

Also, whenever you feel like being harsh on you. Don't worry, do not worry at all, because you always have a hand there for your help around the corner, you just have to look around for it. Certainly life is beautiful.

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Life Experiences

Now-a -days, many times, i have been on and off from writing. Nothing went wrong it's just that i have been working on something, something bigger that i really want to do in this life.  I started writing  this blog in my endeavour to achieve the bigger goal. I keep wondering all the time about what is the purpose of a life, if it doesn't leave a mark on the universe. A-lot has been said even more has been heard about ways to live a life, perhaps a prosperous life, but i still firmly believe that all these ways can bring change in attitudes but can't change ones purpose in life.

Even from adolescence, I knew that this life would-not be a fairy tale love story. Most of the times it takes more than it gives. Though in my short journey, i have been with lot of people. Most common ones are those who go with the flow, that is, they just embrace what comes their way and live a common life. The other ones are those who really want to do something different, but they don't know how and what it is. But, I have never been with the people who know the bigger goal of their lives and they are ready to risk it all for it.

Indeed there are many people who lived in this world, risking it all for a cause or for their dream. They turned out to be the legends. Life might never had been kind to them but history is. Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and many more.

I draw my inspiration from all kinds of people. From the ones whom I encounter in my day to day life and also from those who left a mark in this universe. I learn something from all my friends. A friend who has all against the odds proved herself again and again. She stood tall, firm and strong in hard times. She has been a big inspiration for me. I try to learn good things from everyone because i feel this continuous learning experience will bring the best of me one-day. Moreover, I firmly believe that "Our life is a message to the world, we make sure it is inspiring". So keep learning and keep inspiring.
"Everyone is my teacher. Some I seek. Some I subconsciously attract. Often I simply learn by observing others. Some may be completely unaware that I'm learning from them, yet i bow deeply in gratitude" -Eric Allen.

Friday 15 August 2014

An Answer

"History prefers legends to men.
 It remembers battles, but forgets the blood."

In a world which is full of materialism there have been many events which may shiver ones soul. Many shouldn't have occurred and many should have been avoided at first place itself. However, each event leaves an impression in history books. Some events get scribbled with blood, some with golden words and some left unnoticed.

It was a beautiful morning, I was out with a friend for the morning walk. Suddenly out of the blue, he asked me: "If I'll love to die for my country, state, community, family or someone really close to me." I promptly responded  "Yes",  thinking of the glory, the honour I'll receive. As it is really an honour to die for one's country. Country people chant the songs of glory for eons for their martyrs, the courage of their heroes.

However, later that day, I asked myself would i really sacrifice my life for any of these. I thought, does glory really lies in dying only? Rethinking the question, I realised the core of the question which, I felt, was not that if I'm ready to sacrifice my life. It was making a different point, that is, should i sacrifice my life blindly. In other words, how to differentiate between patriotism and chauvinism.

Certainly, at times, discretion between the two is very subtle. There is nothing wrong in dying for one's nationhood or for someone very close to you. However, one should not blindly follow the path: which means one must be aware of the moral he is serving before giving up his life for it. Glory doesn't lie in dying, it is in dying for the cause.

Same goes in doing good for the country or for one's community. Different individuals choose unlike measures for upliftment of the society. Each step is correct in itself, as long as it serves the goal of serving the society as a whole. The purpose should be to serve the goal and make a mark without disturbing the serenity of others. The purpose should be served with unblendable principles.  

Otherwise, every individual has his own perception on different things. Critics will always criticise and your supporters will always cheer you. There is nothing right or wrong in doing good for others. If you really want to do something, there wont be any better time than now. And to judge the wrong or right, one may leave it for time, indeed history, to decide.
 " Live for others, die for some cause."  

Thursday 17 July 2014

The Indian Culture

India, the country where fertility rate is more than the growth rate. The country where rapes are more frequent than rains, where people find many ways to discriminate among themselves, where people hate each other for no reason. Where women have no status at all.  Is this is the country our great forefathers have envisioned ? Is this the country we all are proud of ? Certainly this is not my, perhaps our, India, we are proud of. Indeed, no country is perfect and so is my country, which really needs to take a check on where it is heading towards.

One might comment that even the rich Indian culture is full of flaws. Be it the dowry system, the nature of the culture which prefers men to women, the caste system and many times even religion is a barrier. But does it shows the true picture of India. Indeed, we are missing the larger picture, because we are watching it too closely.

India whose history is as old as mankind itself has a different story altogether. In a country with huge diversity in language religion etc, there is too much which was never projected. From the beginning itself this country adds values to ones life which we will rarely come across in whole world.
The day at any Indian school starts with the morning assembly in which students offer prayers to the deity. Wish for the better lives of themselves and their dear ones. In India each one greets their elders by touching their feet. And this legacy is carried forward by millions of Indians for many years.

There are many other aspects which should be pointed out but the real conclusion is that the aforementioned is not my India's story. Because somewhere deep inside every Indian, there is still humanity left which makes us all the proud Indian.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Journey to the Graveyard

Today, woke up with a bad phone call. It says someone really close to you has left, you behind, to the heavens. I cried, cried a-lot, like never before. I felt lonely, sad, very sad. Everyone else seemed far distant from me. I reckoned each moment i spent with the person and could not believed that it actually has happened, someone has really left us behind to fight in this cruel world.

Time, the biggest palliate, gave me the nerve to believe that it actually has happened. I ponder over what exactly is a man's journey to the graveyard. There are many phases in ones life; good, bad, happy, sad etc. But what exactly is the man thinks of himself when he goes to his graveyard. How does he judge himself at his very last breath. Whom does he miss on his journey to the graveyard. Moreover does the man satisfy himself that he lived his life to the fullest ? 

There cannot be any particular answer to this. However there is a saying "It's your road yours alone, many people will walk it with you but nobody will walk it for you". Also "The goal should be to balance a life that works with a life that counts". Still life is a bitter truth as
Life has never promised you anything...
Nor has Destiny..
But people did..
Some said they would never leave you.. Lie!
Some said they would love you until death.. Lie!
Some said you were the most precious one.. Lie!
Life is made of such Lies...
All that matters is, how you faced the time you finally realised those were just lies...
We may ask, "Wouldn't life be much better without these lies?"
But the truth is, the times you lived on those big lies were the only times you lived.

P.S: Some shared stuff.