Thursday 19 June 2014

Journey to the Graveyard

Today, woke up with a bad phone call. It says someone really close to you has left, you behind, to the heavens. I cried, cried a-lot, like never before. I felt lonely, sad, very sad. Everyone else seemed far distant from me. I reckoned each moment i spent with the person and could not believed that it actually has happened, someone has really left us behind to fight in this cruel world.

Time, the biggest palliate, gave me the nerve to believe that it actually has happened. I ponder over what exactly is a man's journey to the graveyard. There are many phases in ones life; good, bad, happy, sad etc. But what exactly is the man thinks of himself when he goes to his graveyard. How does he judge himself at his very last breath. Whom does he miss on his journey to the graveyard. Moreover does the man satisfy himself that he lived his life to the fullest ? 

There cannot be any particular answer to this. However there is a saying "It's your road yours alone, many people will walk it with you but nobody will walk it for you". Also "The goal should be to balance a life that works with a life that counts". Still life is a bitter truth as
Life has never promised you anything...
Nor has Destiny..
But people did..
Some said they would never leave you.. Lie!
Some said they would love you until death.. Lie!
Some said you were the most precious one.. Lie!
Life is made of such Lies...
All that matters is, how you faced the time you finally realised those were just lies...
We may ask, "Wouldn't life be much better without these lies?"
But the truth is, the times you lived on those big lies were the only times you lived.

P.S: Some shared stuff.