Friday 15 August 2014

An Answer

"History prefers legends to men.
 It remembers battles, but forgets the blood."

In a world which is full of materialism there have been many events which may shiver ones soul. Many shouldn't have occurred and many should have been avoided at first place itself. However, each event leaves an impression in history books. Some events get scribbled with blood, some with golden words and some left unnoticed.

It was a beautiful morning, I was out with a friend for the morning walk. Suddenly out of the blue, he asked me: "If I'll love to die for my country, state, community, family or someone really close to me." I promptly responded  "Yes",  thinking of the glory, the honour I'll receive. As it is really an honour to die for one's country. Country people chant the songs of glory for eons for their martyrs, the courage of their heroes.

However, later that day, I asked myself would i really sacrifice my life for any of these. I thought, does glory really lies in dying only? Rethinking the question, I realised the core of the question which, I felt, was not that if I'm ready to sacrifice my life. It was making a different point, that is, should i sacrifice my life blindly. In other words, how to differentiate between patriotism and chauvinism.

Certainly, at times, discretion between the two is very subtle. There is nothing wrong in dying for one's nationhood or for someone very close to you. However, one should not blindly follow the path: which means one must be aware of the moral he is serving before giving up his life for it. Glory doesn't lie in dying, it is in dying for the cause.

Same goes in doing good for the country or for one's community. Different individuals choose unlike measures for upliftment of the society. Each step is correct in itself, as long as it serves the goal of serving the society as a whole. The purpose should be to serve the goal and make a mark without disturbing the serenity of others. The purpose should be served with unblendable principles.  

Otherwise, every individual has his own perception on different things. Critics will always criticise and your supporters will always cheer you. There is nothing right or wrong in doing good for others. If you really want to do something, there wont be any better time than now. And to judge the wrong or right, one may leave it for time, indeed history, to decide.
 " Live for others, die for some cause."