Wednesday 17 September 2014

Life Experiences

Now-a -days, many times, i have been on and off from writing. Nothing went wrong it's just that i have been working on something, something bigger that i really want to do in this life.  I started writing  this blog in my endeavour to achieve the bigger goal. I keep wondering all the time about what is the purpose of a life, if it doesn't leave a mark on the universe. A-lot has been said even more has been heard about ways to live a life, perhaps a prosperous life, but i still firmly believe that all these ways can bring change in attitudes but can't change ones purpose in life.

Even from adolescence, I knew that this life would-not be a fairy tale love story. Most of the times it takes more than it gives. Though in my short journey, i have been with lot of people. Most common ones are those who go with the flow, that is, they just embrace what comes their way and live a common life. The other ones are those who really want to do something different, but they don't know how and what it is. But, I have never been with the people who know the bigger goal of their lives and they are ready to risk it all for it.

Indeed there are many people who lived in this world, risking it all for a cause or for their dream. They turned out to be the legends. Life might never had been kind to them but history is. Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and many more.

I draw my inspiration from all kinds of people. From the ones whom I encounter in my day to day life and also from those who left a mark in this universe. I learn something from all my friends. A friend who has all against the odds proved herself again and again. She stood tall, firm and strong in hard times. She has been a big inspiration for me. I try to learn good things from everyone because i feel this continuous learning experience will bring the best of me one-day. Moreover, I firmly believe that "Our life is a message to the world, we make sure it is inspiring". So keep learning and keep inspiring.
"Everyone is my teacher. Some I seek. Some I subconsciously attract. Often I simply learn by observing others. Some may be completely unaware that I'm learning from them, yet i bow deeply in gratitude" -Eric Allen.