Monday 29 December 2014

Life is Beautiful.

It was one of those days that nobody ever wants to see in ones life. The day when the most precious gift, life itself, seems like a curse. The day when you want to give-up on everything. The day when you go to bed, wishing not to see the next day. The day when you question your own existence. The day, when you anguish; why you were ever born?

You might find yourself on a way with little or no options at all, where giving-up on everything seems more easier than bearing up with the pain. Where you feel there is no one to look after you, where everything vis-à-vis grief seems trivial. At this point, admitting defeat looks like the only feasible option, but it should never be the last resort, because you are defeated only when you give-up. Good things take very good time, all you need to keep is patience.

Were you not ever born, the number of lives you have touched upon, would hardly been any different. The faces lit-up by you in your life time, memories and a lot more might never have happened. Consciously or unconsciously, the difference you have made to others' lives would never have been there. All of it happened, because of you, because you met the all these people.

The best part of this life is that everything is temporal, nothing lasts forever. Be it pain or be it happiness. Even life ends in a flash. Therefore improvise with what you have in hand and make the most of now. There is nothing better than now. Believe me, eternity is a big curse.

Also, you wont get everything you ever want in your life. However, the magnificent part of life is that you'll always have something in disguise that you ever wanted. Things you always want are wrapped up in a cover, you just have to uncover this cover.

Being born as a human being is the best thing that can happen to anyone. Travel the world, read lot of books, make billion friends, try different cuisines, find the stupid crazy child in you. Dare to dream, be adventurous, sporty and a lot more. Don't be upset about your present situation, it'll definitely change because you know you can change it. Learn from the situation and move on. There is much more to life than being sad. Sad is boring.

Also, whenever you feel like being harsh on you. Don't worry, do not worry at all, because you always have a hand there for your help around the corner, you just have to look around for it. Certainly life is beautiful.

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.