Monday 5 January 2015

Life Lessons

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both....
All of us must have read this beautiful creation by Robert Frost once in our life time. I too read it in my text books of IX grade. But, I hardly understood the real meaning hidden in the poem then. Also, i didn’t feel that, somewhere down the line, there would be a time in my life where I'll be standing at the same point where two roads diverge in a yellow wood.
Now-a-days, I have realised that now and then life has been surprising me with choices, choices which are awfully confusing and always pushing me in dire straits. When I look around myself, talk to people and my friends, I find many of them in the same situation. I am not talking about the materialistic choices like buying a "Levis" or "Gucci", a "Nike" or "Adidas". These all are material choices. And these all are in a way meaningless.

What make things go really messy are the big choices that make bigger differences in our lives. One such difficult choice can be choosing the career path. Every-time it happens, both the paths seems equally confusing. They both seem equally good and bad, both have certain constraints, both are  appreciated as well as criticised.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
Which one to choose?  This question really freaks my mind, time and time.
So, I made up my mind with this mantra. Make any one of the two choices and keep telling yourself that it is the best path for you or the best decision you could make. Proceed, believing in yourself. If all goes well, then nothing like that. However, if it happened that the other path could have had much better life, then DON’T REGRET THE DECISION you made. Because there is no way you could have known the results earlier. As the only way to know is by going for it. It was your decision, you choose what seemed best to you.Take responsibility and move forward but never ever regret over the decision. Be fearless, confident. And take your decisions and make them right. 

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

P.S. Guest Post By Vipul Bansal.