Monday 27 April 2015

The World As I See It.

             "What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly."
The feeling is same, this all is chaos to me. It is terrible, very terrible. At different times, deciphering between right and wrong has always remained a tough choice for me. However, this time, i know, its completely unfair.

On one fine day, a close friend called me very late in the night and said:
"I m a female, not that it should make any difference but in our society it does.....Why?"
I had no idea what hell had gone wrong with her. Why was she talking like that. However, somehow, i managed to mitigate her. But all through the next few days, the question kept hitting like a slap in my face. Why does it make any difference? I didn't put the blame on god, but whom is to blame then?

Another fine night and I was traveling to some place. It was a full moon night with stars glittering right up in the sky. The bus stopped at the some halt. Two women wearing modern attire entered the bus. Accompanied by no-one, they looked pretty confident. The journey was indeed pleasant before they entered the bus. As for no reason, the whole bus started staring at them and many also started passing bad comments. Things became bad, indeed worst. However, later the whole incident was  settled down  by some external interference. But this disturbing journey again made me think, whom is to blame? Their attire or the night?   

A few days back, while i was passing down the lane, i saw a man beating her wife. She was crying in pain for she did not pay her man for alcohol. It was really shameful incident, that in a country where even cows are treated as sacred as mothers, wives are beaten to death. However, the question still remain, whom is to blame? Alcohol or the money?

Another-day, a young women got to know that she had been cheated by her lover all through her life. While she was down on her knees, completely shattered. The man dint even have the balls to admit the truth. Whom is to blame? Love or something else? 

All of these incidents have one same question, whom is to blame? We may also leave it for the time to decide, but i know even this lifetime will be too short to embrace the answers. Nevertheless, we know the answers, still we'll come back time and time to ask whom is to blame?