Tuesday 18 February 2014

Bhagavad Geeta Precisely.

Whatever has happened, has happened for good.
Whatever is happening, is also for good.
Whatever will happen, shall also be good.
What have you lost, that you cry for?
What did you bring, that you have lost?
What did you create, that was destroyed?
What you have taken, has been from here.
What you gave, has been given here.
What belongs to you today, belonged to someone yesterday,
Shall belong to third person day after.
So why worry unnecessa
Change is the Law of Universe.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Motivation

One day I was sitting back on my couch and was thinking of the motivation behind writing this blog and a-lot stuck my head as it's a long story. But my vague memory says I started writing some 2-3 years back, however, i realized it a little later that i actually can write. I was a deep thinker, i mean, i used to think a lot over small pity things and waste a lot of time thinking about future, about all that went bad in the past, in other words of all the things that i shouldn't have given a damn upon. But the story begins from here.

Honestly speaking, a lot of hustle was there in my life and i often find myself dealing with perpetual sadness or many a times with anxieties and quite often i start cribbing over small things.To get out of these situations I was reading a lot, i even used to ask my best buddy to suggest me something to get out of this. But nothing was making any difference to my life. But one day as i was sitting back and reading, something unusual did happen.

As i used to read a lot over how to reduce the anxiety level and align my thoughts, there was a common solution in most of the suggestions that to indulge yourself in something you like and to start thinking positively. And frankly speaking one day i was reading the blog by Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and a thought hit my head that if Mr Amitabh at the age of 71 can write his blog continuously for more than 2000 days ,why not i can ?
And next day, here i was up with my first blog and it became a hobby to write down all the positive thoughts in my mind on the blog and over the time it really helped me in changing my mind. I know its easier said than done but this is the only way that helped me.

Coming back to Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, he has really been a big inspiration for me as at 71 he is so hard working and energetic. There is a lot to learn from his life as after a long stint of first 19 flop films this man came up with the biggest blockbuster of his life and now he is synonyms to the bollywood.

Yes!! It was my story of how i indulged myself in writing but the crux of the matter is don't just sit back thinking what will happen or thinking  what others are doing. Live your own life and work harder to fulfill your own instincts. One-day every thing would be in its place. Just learn to stay happy and lastly take your decisions and make them right.

Friday 7 February 2014

When fears become reality.

In my short life i have had a lot of experiences, i have met a lot of people, lost a few, lived in many towns, have seen different situations.But the good part of my life is i have made a lot of friends,i have met some very good people. However the best part i feel is the hope.

But there are situations when you have worked very hard very very hard and still you fail miserably and even the friends who were your assets for a long time gets irritated by your behavior, when your family gets worried about you over a short breath, when the life seems more of a compromise, when you feel like: Fuck!! What will happen now ?

Turn your thoughts toward no-one but your own mind. Treasure the power of your own mind. Though difficult at times but all the answers are hidden in our own mind as we know our-self  better than anybody else does.What we think we become.

Life is a continuous learning experience. If one spends the amount of energy on getting out of the situation than on thinking what will happen, it really makes a-lot of difference. One has to know that there are lots of ups and downs in this life and there are lots of opportunities, always around us, as well. But by getting stuck by a failure one wont be able to treasure the these opportunities. Learn from failure and move on happily.

Start thinking positively, start thinking what if it is the last day of my life and you wont like it to spend it like this way. Start thinking that you are the happiest person ever born on this planet leaving all the negative thoughts behind. Keep telling your mind that you are the happiest, the luckiest, though conditions are all the same, it will leave a impression in your mind that Yes!! You are the happiest and you will start moving towards a better life. These things will definitely help you in a long run. No body knows what is there served for him in the platter tomorrow but one has to trust his instincts and expect that what ever it be, it is for the benefit for all. Believe me it's all in your mind.

P.S. Inspired from The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.

Monday 3 February 2014

एक नई शुरुआत । ।

आँखों में एक सपना है
जो सोने नहीं देता । ।

दिल में एक तूफ़ान है
जो हसने नहीं देता। ।

जगाता है सारी सारी रात
कहता है करो एक दिन रात । ।

इसे में प्य़ार कहूं या जानूं
पूरा  करके ही अब इसे मिलेगा सुकून । ।

आज नहीं तो कल पूरा होगा यह सपना
अभी कोई समझे न समझे कल हर कोई कहेगा अपना । ।

जिस दिन होगा मेरा सपना पूरा
तब नहीं रहेगा कोई ख़वाब अधूरा । ।

अब से ही मुझे दिन रात एक करनी है
कल का क्या इंतज़ार करना आज ही नयी शुरुआत करनी है।।