Sunday 20 April 2014


Someday, sitting hand in hand with someone at a road side cafe enjoying the coffee, exchanging sweet-nothings. The ambiance seems to be appealing one. But suddenly out of nothing a bunch of impoverished beings surrounds you. You refute to pay the alms and manage to escape the situation leaving the place with unhappy face.

Wait-a-minute you just refuted paying alms to the needy. This reminds me of the old 70's Amitabh Bachchan movies in which some old crook man reuse to pay or misbehave with the needy. And one day, Vijay (A.Bachchan)  wake-up to become the superman, an angry young man, who later spoils life of the crook. Isn't it sound uneasy to deal with an angry young man in your aged days. As in the movies, Vijay beats the crook to death, punching him, throwing him out of the landscape.

Jokes Apart; I want to raise a bigger question out of the scenario. It's that every-time i see a beggar, i do think that "What makes a beggar a beggar?" My consciousness says everyone wants to live a life of dignity. Everyone wants to enjoy the leisure of life. Then what is it that makes a needy beg for his alms? Whom should we blame for his pathetic situation? Government, discrimination, corruption, his karma, his unawareness, god, we ourselves or anything beyond our conscience.

I frequently ask many child beggars why are u doing this. Why are you begging for something. Why don't you go and study at a school where food, books etc are given for free. Why do you people want to listen some bad words for you have done nothing bad to anyone. What is it that is pulling u people back to this bad life. And mostly all reply saying either they are unaware of such freebies or their parents are making them do this. However, what may be the reason the fact is everything is wrong in begging for living.

Also one day, while i was on a train, i saw a visually challenged man. He was a hard working man. He was selling some eatables and was working enough hard to his abilities, more than i do. Much more than that beggar ,who keeps blessing to earn a living. This man is really a big inspiration for all of us, majorly for all the impoverished ones. I venerate him for setting an example that if we really want to live a life of dignity, we can. All we need is a will. Besides i believe, there can not be any end to this write up and i want to leave it with the question that still remained unanswered that :
"What makes a beggar a beggar?"

Wednesday 2 April 2014

वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।।

वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

थोडा है या जायदा 
अपना है या पराया 
वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

अच्छा है या बुरा 
सही है या गलत 
वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

पूरा है या अधूरा 
तेरा है या मेरा 
वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

ऐ दोस्त ख़ुशी ख़ुशी जी ले
तेरे साथ कुछ न जायेगा
वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।। 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

मै आगे बढ़ चला ।।

गिरते संभलते राह में चलते
सब पीछे छोड़ चला
मै आगे बढ़ चला।
मै आगे बढ़ चला।।१

कुछ नया पाने कि चाह में बहुत कुछ खोकर 

नए सपनो को बुनता चल पड़ा
मै आगे बढ़ चला।
मै आगे बढ़ चला।।१।

रूठते मनाते सब को रुलाते 
नयी दुनिया कि और बढ़ चला
मै आगे बढ़ चला।
मै आगे बढ़ चला।।२ ।।

कुछ यादों को संजोये कुछ दिल में छिपाये 

अपनों को पीछे छोड़ चला
मै आगे बढ़ चला।  

मै आगे बढ़ चला।।३।।

कबि मुस्कुराते कबि घबराते 
कबि दिल को सामझाते 

अपनी मंज़िल की और बढ़ चला 
मै आगे बढ़ चला।
मै आगे बढ़ चला।।४।।