Monday 10 March 2014

Aren't We Wasting It ?

Haven't wrote anything for quite a long time.It usually does not happen, but this time i have left a big gap.
why ?
Um....I was thinking, Yes "I was THINKING".

I mentioned it earlier as well, that i am a deep thinker who thinks a lot of shit. However all these days i was occupied by mundane affairs, social attachments, emotional hookups and the trauma of what will happen now, in short a lot of reckoning. Even when i stated to write this post i was thinking that why do i think so much or what did i get by thinking that much or why is it that difficult to resist or second these emotions at the first place? And finally, why all these days i was cribbing over trivial things and not working to get out of it. (Lot of whys. why ?) But now, i know, i was wasting it.

Though in-between these days something made me think to get back to the this write-up, and it really deserved the attention (Again a thought- god has given me some disastrous thought processing head which never stops thinking). Last week, I visited a place where i encountered some underprivileged people, some differently abled people, some affected by serious disease. In short they were living a totally different life; which no one likes to embrace, enough difficult than the one we live. And again my beautiful mind pinged me that if i keep wasting my life thinking over pity things i wont stand any chance to keep this circle of life moving. And even worst, if i find myself in any of these miserable states, how would i be able to get along in this life, when, being in privileged state, i crib over stupid things. I felt, i am not doing any justice to myself and i felt pity of myself. And finally i asked myself.

Why are we living to die another day?
As some day we want to go back to live the life of our own desire, we always wanted to live. So why not today itself. But with the hindsight, i realised that everybody is just pushing himself to earn a living, a wage or some nasty things.Yes it is necessary but, believe me, life is not just about earning a living, even a billion dollars wont buy happiness or bring some joy to the life. No one ever lives forever, so don't just waste a life thinking too much on anything. Stop worrying about debts, money, power, failures, they are part of our lives and a lot of them would come as we approach our ends. Time passes so fast like the smoke through a key hole.

Just stop thinking you did something wrong, tell your friends and family that u love them don't shy because there may not be tomorrow to greet them, love yourself unconditionally. Stop looking for answer outside of yourself, take every moment as an opportunity, see the opportunities in every challenge rather than give up. Be your weird, crazy, beautiful self. Follow your heart. See the world as a beautiful, safe, and loving place. See everyone as equals. Give up all attachments to stuff. Recognise the journey is the reward. Stay hopeful and optimistic in difficult situations. Welcome all life lessons. Live your values and inspire others by your own bigness.

Love, emotions, attachments, failures etc. are part of our lives. They have natural tendency to occupy us, resist them using your mind. So the epilogue doesn't lies in betraying your loved ones or behaving like a callous or ending earning a living.The deduction is treasure what you have with u, live like its the last day, fulfil your own desires or else you'll be betraying yourself. You have all your answers within you. Your mind is beautiful use it and make your own bucket list.

A piece of advice : Watch this movie  'The Bucket List'.

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