Saturday 15 March 2014

Being Superstitious.

"Superstition" The small world can debate long over this large word. If it works in favour, we name it fortunate (luck factor) or otherwise if it goes against us, we name it unfortunate (omens). Also, there are people all over the world, around us as well, who do all the bad unfortunate things still they master the world. It all made me think, is there something like superstitious power or not which is so potent that can better us in this rationale world. I believe it is.

When i look back in time even from childhood days, i had branded many things with the tag of my lucky things. Whether it be a pen, a pencil, a bag, a shirt and a-lot other. They were not brought out of some Pandora's box, they were same usual stuff that i came across in my daily life. But there was something special associated with that stuff. As, an exam written with my lucky pen/pencil turned out to be the high scoring one, so there must have been something hidden in that pen. Indeed there was something.

Let me put it the other way as well. We all are occupied by various rituals, many of these practises exist to rectify omens out of our lives. Also there is a term called triskaidekaphobia fear of number thirteen because in major part of the world the number thirteen is considered as an unlucky number. Does this superstition about number thirteen can bring bad luck to us. Can these ritualistic practises make us more fortunate. Lets bite some sour grapes now, i was born on the thirteenth does it make me an unlucky fellow. Also there is one more flaw, i haven't carried any of my lucky stuff with me as i am growing old, so does it mean that i have rejected my kismet ?

The answer is no, a big "NO". The rationale behind all the fortunate things is not there hidden in the stuff but it is there within us only. It's not the pen that escalated the score in the exam but the impression left by the faith did. The faith in possession of that pen made the exam a cakewalk. The positive energy of having the pen with me was the reason behind the success. Same goes in case of unfortunate or superstitious episodes, they leave an ugly impression in our mind that arises fear, in other words a lot of negative energy.

Besides, whenever we find ourselves in some pathetic situations, we pray to god. Because we have faith in god, so it is the faith that god has intervened, now everything will be all right make us better the situation. Furthermore reason behind people wining against the odds, despite doing all the so called unfortunate things, is for them all such things do not ever existed. Either they are alien to the unfortunate word or they just don't accept it. Therefore i believe it's not some mystic power in the stuff but the magical power of our mind that makes all the phenomenal happenings occur. Name it faith, belief, luck or anything. It happens because of the power of positive attitude of our own mind. Trust me, have faith in god; it has some incredible powers.

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