Monday 29 December 2014

Life is Beautiful.

It was one of those days that nobody ever wants to see in ones life. The day when the most precious gift, life itself, seems like a curse. The day when you want to give-up on everything. The day when you go to bed, wishing not to see the next day. The day when you question your own existence. The day, when you anguish; why you were ever born?

You might find yourself on a way with little or no options at all, where giving-up on everything seems more easier than bearing up with the pain. Where you feel there is no one to look after you, where everything vis-à-vis grief seems trivial. At this point, admitting defeat looks like the only feasible option, but it should never be the last resort, because you are defeated only when you give-up. Good things take very good time, all you need to keep is patience.

Were you not ever born, the number of lives you have touched upon, would hardly been any different. The faces lit-up by you in your life time, memories and a lot more might never have happened. Consciously or unconsciously, the difference you have made to others' lives would never have been there. All of it happened, because of you, because you met the all these people.

The best part of this life is that everything is temporal, nothing lasts forever. Be it pain or be it happiness. Even life ends in a flash. Therefore improvise with what you have in hand and make the most of now. There is nothing better than now. Believe me, eternity is a big curse.

Also, you wont get everything you ever want in your life. However, the magnificent part of life is that you'll always have something in disguise that you ever wanted. Things you always want are wrapped up in a cover, you just have to uncover this cover.

Being born as a human being is the best thing that can happen to anyone. Travel the world, read lot of books, make billion friends, try different cuisines, find the stupid crazy child in you. Dare to dream, be adventurous, sporty and a lot more. Don't be upset about your present situation, it'll definitely change because you know you can change it. Learn from the situation and move on. There is much more to life than being sad. Sad is boring.

Also, whenever you feel like being harsh on you. Don't worry, do not worry at all, because you always have a hand there for your help around the corner, you just have to look around for it. Certainly life is beautiful.

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Life Experiences

Now-a -days, many times, i have been on and off from writing. Nothing went wrong it's just that i have been working on something, something bigger that i really want to do in this life.  I started writing  this blog in my endeavour to achieve the bigger goal. I keep wondering all the time about what is the purpose of a life, if it doesn't leave a mark on the universe. A-lot has been said even more has been heard about ways to live a life, perhaps a prosperous life, but i still firmly believe that all these ways can bring change in attitudes but can't change ones purpose in life.

Even from adolescence, I knew that this life would-not be a fairy tale love story. Most of the times it takes more than it gives. Though in my short journey, i have been with lot of people. Most common ones are those who go with the flow, that is, they just embrace what comes their way and live a common life. The other ones are those who really want to do something different, but they don't know how and what it is. But, I have never been with the people who know the bigger goal of their lives and they are ready to risk it all for it.

Indeed there are many people who lived in this world, risking it all for a cause or for their dream. They turned out to be the legends. Life might never had been kind to them but history is. Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and many more.

I draw my inspiration from all kinds of people. From the ones whom I encounter in my day to day life and also from those who left a mark in this universe. I learn something from all my friends. A friend who has all against the odds proved herself again and again. She stood tall, firm and strong in hard times. She has been a big inspiration for me. I try to learn good things from everyone because i feel this continuous learning experience will bring the best of me one-day. Moreover, I firmly believe that "Our life is a message to the world, we make sure it is inspiring". So keep learning and keep inspiring.
"Everyone is my teacher. Some I seek. Some I subconsciously attract. Often I simply learn by observing others. Some may be completely unaware that I'm learning from them, yet i bow deeply in gratitude" -Eric Allen.

Friday 15 August 2014

An Answer

"History prefers legends to men.
 It remembers battles, but forgets the blood."

In a world which is full of materialism there have been many events which may shiver ones soul. Many shouldn't have occurred and many should have been avoided at first place itself. However, each event leaves an impression in history books. Some events get scribbled with blood, some with golden words and some left unnoticed.

It was a beautiful morning, I was out with a friend for the morning walk. Suddenly out of the blue, he asked me: "If I'll love to die for my country, state, community, family or someone really close to me." I promptly responded  "Yes",  thinking of the glory, the honour I'll receive. As it is really an honour to die for one's country. Country people chant the songs of glory for eons for their martyrs, the courage of their heroes.

However, later that day, I asked myself would i really sacrifice my life for any of these. I thought, does glory really lies in dying only? Rethinking the question, I realised the core of the question which, I felt, was not that if I'm ready to sacrifice my life. It was making a different point, that is, should i sacrifice my life blindly. In other words, how to differentiate between patriotism and chauvinism.

Certainly, at times, discretion between the two is very subtle. There is nothing wrong in dying for one's nationhood or for someone very close to you. However, one should not blindly follow the path: which means one must be aware of the moral he is serving before giving up his life for it. Glory doesn't lie in dying, it is in dying for the cause.

Same goes in doing good for the country or for one's community. Different individuals choose unlike measures for upliftment of the society. Each step is correct in itself, as long as it serves the goal of serving the society as a whole. The purpose should be to serve the goal and make a mark without disturbing the serenity of others. The purpose should be served with unblendable principles.  

Otherwise, every individual has his own perception on different things. Critics will always criticise and your supporters will always cheer you. There is nothing right or wrong in doing good for others. If you really want to do something, there wont be any better time than now. And to judge the wrong or right, one may leave it for time, indeed history, to decide.
 " Live for others, die for some cause."  

Thursday 17 July 2014

The Indian Culture

India, the country where fertility rate is more than the growth rate. The country where rapes are more frequent than rains, where people find many ways to discriminate among themselves, where people hate each other for no reason. Where women have no status at all.  Is this is the country our great forefathers have envisioned ? Is this the country we all are proud of ? Certainly this is not my, perhaps our, India, we are proud of. Indeed, no country is perfect and so is my country, which really needs to take a check on where it is heading towards.

One might comment that even the rich Indian culture is full of flaws. Be it the dowry system, the nature of the culture which prefers men to women, the caste system and many times even religion is a barrier. But does it shows the true picture of India. Indeed, we are missing the larger picture, because we are watching it too closely.

India whose history is as old as mankind itself has a different story altogether. In a country with huge diversity in language religion etc, there is too much which was never projected. From the beginning itself this country adds values to ones life which we will rarely come across in whole world.
The day at any Indian school starts with the morning assembly in which students offer prayers to the deity. Wish for the better lives of themselves and their dear ones. In India each one greets their elders by touching their feet. And this legacy is carried forward by millions of Indians for many years.

There are many other aspects which should be pointed out but the real conclusion is that the aforementioned is not my India's story. Because somewhere deep inside every Indian, there is still humanity left which makes us all the proud Indian.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Journey to the Graveyard

Today, woke up with a bad phone call. It says someone really close to you has left, you behind, to the heavens. I cried, cried a-lot, like never before. I felt lonely, sad, very sad. Everyone else seemed far distant from me. I reckoned each moment i spent with the person and could not believed that it actually has happened, someone has really left us behind to fight in this cruel world.

Time, the biggest palliate, gave me the nerve to believe that it actually has happened. I ponder over what exactly is a man's journey to the graveyard. There are many phases in ones life; good, bad, happy, sad etc. But what exactly is the man thinks of himself when he goes to his graveyard. How does he judge himself at his very last breath. Whom does he miss on his journey to the graveyard. Moreover does the man satisfy himself that he lived his life to the fullest ? 

There cannot be any particular answer to this. However there is a saying "It's your road yours alone, many people will walk it with you but nobody will walk it for you". Also "The goal should be to balance a life that works with a life that counts". Still life is a bitter truth as
Life has never promised you anything...
Nor has Destiny..
But people did..
Some said they would never leave you.. Lie!
Some said they would love you until death.. Lie!
Some said you were the most precious one.. Lie!
Life is made of such Lies...
All that matters is, how you faced the time you finally realised those were just lies...
We may ask, "Wouldn't life be much better without these lies?"
But the truth is, the times you lived on those big lies were the only times you lived.

P.S: Some shared stuff.

Tuesday 27 May 2014


"I have one life and i just wanna spend the rest of it happily. I wanna second all the negative emotions like anger, anxieties, fears, etc once for all". For many days, i went to the bed mesmerising these words. Even for a few days i exercised a small task; i go to some place, pick anyone at the random, ask her/him what does s/he wants from life? The unanimous answer was happiness. Amidst all, arises the million dollar question:

"What exactly is the happiness?"
Is it just a state of mind, rather a temporal state of mind. Some humour, jokes or entertainment. Surf it on the Internet, it's written everywhere that it is within us itself. It is hidden in our own mind. But where exactly is this treasure box in our minds.

Examining the situation with the view of economics suggests that demand of happiness is extremely high but supply abysmally low. Everyone looks in need of it. Which implies that the one who can sell happiness can become the richest guy on this planet, perhaps without incurring any sort of expenditure. Be the richest guy by making people happy around you. You'll be the richest, in-fact the happiest, person. Happiness grows by sharing happiness. It's in "Be good , Do good"

Happiness is always in disguise. There is nothing like absolute happiness. It is in talking to your best buddies. Happiness is in being inane, being crazy, being yourself. It is in helping, in giving, in blessing and many more. Happiness is not spending the rest of life looking for it. It is in forgiving, it is in living; Living the life itself.

PS: Do read the comment mentioned below.

Sunday 20 April 2014


Someday, sitting hand in hand with someone at a road side cafe enjoying the coffee, exchanging sweet-nothings. The ambiance seems to be appealing one. But suddenly out of nothing a bunch of impoverished beings surrounds you. You refute to pay the alms and manage to escape the situation leaving the place with unhappy face.

Wait-a-minute you just refuted paying alms to the needy. This reminds me of the old 70's Amitabh Bachchan movies in which some old crook man reuse to pay or misbehave with the needy. And one day, Vijay (A.Bachchan)  wake-up to become the superman, an angry young man, who later spoils life of the crook. Isn't it sound uneasy to deal with an angry young man in your aged days. As in the movies, Vijay beats the crook to death, punching him, throwing him out of the landscape.

Jokes Apart; I want to raise a bigger question out of the scenario. It's that every-time i see a beggar, i do think that "What makes a beggar a beggar?" My consciousness says everyone wants to live a life of dignity. Everyone wants to enjoy the leisure of life. Then what is it that makes a needy beg for his alms? Whom should we blame for his pathetic situation? Government, discrimination, corruption, his karma, his unawareness, god, we ourselves or anything beyond our conscience.

I frequently ask many child beggars why are u doing this. Why are you begging for something. Why don't you go and study at a school where food, books etc are given for free. Why do you people want to listen some bad words for you have done nothing bad to anyone. What is it that is pulling u people back to this bad life. And mostly all reply saying either they are unaware of such freebies or their parents are making them do this. However, what may be the reason the fact is everything is wrong in begging for living.

Also one day, while i was on a train, i saw a visually challenged man. He was a hard working man. He was selling some eatables and was working enough hard to his abilities, more than i do. Much more than that beggar ,who keeps blessing to earn a living. This man is really a big inspiration for all of us, majorly for all the impoverished ones. I venerate him for setting an example that if we really want to live a life of dignity, we can. All we need is a will. Besides i believe, there can not be any end to this write up and i want to leave it with the question that still remained unanswered that :
"What makes a beggar a beggar?"

Wednesday 2 April 2014

वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।।

वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

थोडा है या जायदा 
अपना है या पराया 
वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

अच्छा है या बुरा 
सही है या गलत 
वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

पूरा है या अधूरा 
तेरा है या मेरा 
वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

ऐ दोस्त ख़ुशी ख़ुशी जी ले
तेरे साथ कुछ न जायेगा
वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।

वक़्त है बीत जायेगा।। 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

मै आगे बढ़ चला ।।

गिरते संभलते राह में चलते
सब पीछे छोड़ चला
मै आगे बढ़ चला।
मै आगे बढ़ चला।।१

कुछ नया पाने कि चाह में बहुत कुछ खोकर 

नए सपनो को बुनता चल पड़ा
मै आगे बढ़ चला।
मै आगे बढ़ चला।।१।

रूठते मनाते सब को रुलाते 
नयी दुनिया कि और बढ़ चला
मै आगे बढ़ चला।
मै आगे बढ़ चला।।२ ।।

कुछ यादों को संजोये कुछ दिल में छिपाये 

अपनों को पीछे छोड़ चला
मै आगे बढ़ चला।  

मै आगे बढ़ चला।।३।।

कबि मुस्कुराते कबि घबराते 
कबि दिल को सामझाते 

अपनी मंज़िल की और बढ़ चला 
मै आगे बढ़ चला।
मै आगे बढ़ चला।।४।।

Sunday 30 March 2014

Namma Friends.

This life was beautiful they made it even beautiful. I'll stand for them in need, i love each one, respect each one, they are the reason i smile. Now it feels that this life is incomplete without them. Many a times i miss the pals the most, wondering where the hell they are lost.

They are the people whom i met turning infinite pages of life. Initially they were somebody, now they are my buddies. Over the time they have become epitome of this wonderful experience. They are some special people, god presented me with, they are ...........

Our inside jokes-too many to name. 
When we're apart it's never the same.

When we're together it's nothing but fun.
Replacing my friends just can't be done.

As the years pass, and we grow apart. 
I want you to know, that you guys are still in my heart.

You helped me through problems, through things good and bad. 
You helped me keep smiling :-), even when I was sad.

You helped me in dire straits, you made me stay strong. 
How will I live, when you guys are gone? 

And where the years take us, no place is too far. 
We will think of each other, wherever we are. 

You're wonderful people, with good hearts to lend. 
And I want you to know, that you'll will always be my Best Friends.

P.S. : # Shared stuff  #Nostalgic

Saturday 15 March 2014

Being Superstitious.

"Superstition" The small world can debate long over this large word. If it works in favour, we name it fortunate (luck factor) or otherwise if it goes against us, we name it unfortunate (omens). Also, there are people all over the world, around us as well, who do all the bad unfortunate things still they master the world. It all made me think, is there something like superstitious power or not which is so potent that can better us in this rationale world. I believe it is.

When i look back in time even from childhood days, i had branded many things with the tag of my lucky things. Whether it be a pen, a pencil, a bag, a shirt and a-lot other. They were not brought out of some Pandora's box, they were same usual stuff that i came across in my daily life. But there was something special associated with that stuff. As, an exam written with my lucky pen/pencil turned out to be the high scoring one, so there must have been something hidden in that pen. Indeed there was something.

Let me put it the other way as well. We all are occupied by various rituals, many of these practises exist to rectify omens out of our lives. Also there is a term called triskaidekaphobia fear of number thirteen because in major part of the world the number thirteen is considered as an unlucky number. Does this superstition about number thirteen can bring bad luck to us. Can these ritualistic practises make us more fortunate. Lets bite some sour grapes now, i was born on the thirteenth does it make me an unlucky fellow. Also there is one more flaw, i haven't carried any of my lucky stuff with me as i am growing old, so does it mean that i have rejected my kismet ?

The answer is no, a big "NO". The rationale behind all the fortunate things is not there hidden in the stuff but it is there within us only. It's not the pen that escalated the score in the exam but the impression left by the faith did. The faith in possession of that pen made the exam a cakewalk. The positive energy of having the pen with me was the reason behind the success. Same goes in case of unfortunate or superstitious episodes, they leave an ugly impression in our mind that arises fear, in other words a lot of negative energy.

Besides, whenever we find ourselves in some pathetic situations, we pray to god. Because we have faith in god, so it is the faith that god has intervened, now everything will be all right make us better the situation. Furthermore reason behind people wining against the odds, despite doing all the so called unfortunate things, is for them all such things do not ever existed. Either they are alien to the unfortunate word or they just don't accept it. Therefore i believe it's not some mystic power in the stuff but the magical power of our mind that makes all the phenomenal happenings occur. Name it faith, belief, luck or anything. It happens because of the power of positive attitude of our own mind. Trust me, have faith in god; it has some incredible powers.

Monday 10 March 2014

Aren't We Wasting It ?

Haven't wrote anything for quite a long time.It usually does not happen, but this time i have left a big gap.
why ?
Um....I was thinking, Yes "I was THINKING".

I mentioned it earlier as well, that i am a deep thinker who thinks a lot of shit. However all these days i was occupied by mundane affairs, social attachments, emotional hookups and the trauma of what will happen now, in short a lot of reckoning. Even when i stated to write this post i was thinking that why do i think so much or what did i get by thinking that much or why is it that difficult to resist or second these emotions at the first place? And finally, why all these days i was cribbing over trivial things and not working to get out of it. (Lot of whys. why ?) But now, i know, i was wasting it.

Though in-between these days something made me think to get back to the this write-up, and it really deserved the attention (Again a thought- god has given me some disastrous thought processing head which never stops thinking). Last week, I visited a place where i encountered some underprivileged people, some differently abled people, some affected by serious disease. In short they were living a totally different life; which no one likes to embrace, enough difficult than the one we live. And again my beautiful mind pinged me that if i keep wasting my life thinking over pity things i wont stand any chance to keep this circle of life moving. And even worst, if i find myself in any of these miserable states, how would i be able to get along in this life, when, being in privileged state, i crib over stupid things. I felt, i am not doing any justice to myself and i felt pity of myself. And finally i asked myself.

Why are we living to die another day?
As some day we want to go back to live the life of our own desire, we always wanted to live. So why not today itself. But with the hindsight, i realised that everybody is just pushing himself to earn a living, a wage or some nasty things.Yes it is necessary but, believe me, life is not just about earning a living, even a billion dollars wont buy happiness or bring some joy to the life. No one ever lives forever, so don't just waste a life thinking too much on anything. Stop worrying about debts, money, power, failures, they are part of our lives and a lot of them would come as we approach our ends. Time passes so fast like the smoke through a key hole.

Just stop thinking you did something wrong, tell your friends and family that u love them don't shy because there may not be tomorrow to greet them, love yourself unconditionally. Stop looking for answer outside of yourself, take every moment as an opportunity, see the opportunities in every challenge rather than give up. Be your weird, crazy, beautiful self. Follow your heart. See the world as a beautiful, safe, and loving place. See everyone as equals. Give up all attachments to stuff. Recognise the journey is the reward. Stay hopeful and optimistic in difficult situations. Welcome all life lessons. Live your values and inspire others by your own bigness.

Love, emotions, attachments, failures etc. are part of our lives. They have natural tendency to occupy us, resist them using your mind. So the epilogue doesn't lies in betraying your loved ones or behaving like a callous or ending earning a living.The deduction is treasure what you have with u, live like its the last day, fulfil your own desires or else you'll be betraying yourself. You have all your answers within you. Your mind is beautiful use it and make your own bucket list.

A piece of advice : Watch this movie  'The Bucket List'.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Bhagavad Geeta Precisely.

Whatever has happened, has happened for good.
Whatever is happening, is also for good.
Whatever will happen, shall also be good.
What have you lost, that you cry for?
What did you bring, that you have lost?
What did you create, that was destroyed?
What you have taken, has been from here.
What you gave, has been given here.
What belongs to you today, belonged to someone yesterday,
Shall belong to third person day after.
So why worry unnecessa
Change is the Law of Universe.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Motivation

One day I was sitting back on my couch and was thinking of the motivation behind writing this blog and a-lot stuck my head as it's a long story. But my vague memory says I started writing some 2-3 years back, however, i realized it a little later that i actually can write. I was a deep thinker, i mean, i used to think a lot over small pity things and waste a lot of time thinking about future, about all that went bad in the past, in other words of all the things that i shouldn't have given a damn upon. But the story begins from here.

Honestly speaking, a lot of hustle was there in my life and i often find myself dealing with perpetual sadness or many a times with anxieties and quite often i start cribbing over small things.To get out of these situations I was reading a lot, i even used to ask my best buddy to suggest me something to get out of this. But nothing was making any difference to my life. But one day as i was sitting back and reading, something unusual did happen.

As i used to read a lot over how to reduce the anxiety level and align my thoughts, there was a common solution in most of the suggestions that to indulge yourself in something you like and to start thinking positively. And frankly speaking one day i was reading the blog by Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and a thought hit my head that if Mr Amitabh at the age of 71 can write his blog continuously for more than 2000 days ,why not i can ?
And next day, here i was up with my first blog and it became a hobby to write down all the positive thoughts in my mind on the blog and over the time it really helped me in changing my mind. I know its easier said than done but this is the only way that helped me.

Coming back to Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, he has really been a big inspiration for me as at 71 he is so hard working and energetic. There is a lot to learn from his life as after a long stint of first 19 flop films this man came up with the biggest blockbuster of his life and now he is synonyms to the bollywood.

Yes!! It was my story of how i indulged myself in writing but the crux of the matter is don't just sit back thinking what will happen or thinking  what others are doing. Live your own life and work harder to fulfill your own instincts. One-day every thing would be in its place. Just learn to stay happy and lastly take your decisions and make them right.

Friday 7 February 2014

When fears become reality.

In my short life i have had a lot of experiences, i have met a lot of people, lost a few, lived in many towns, have seen different situations.But the good part of my life is i have made a lot of friends,i have met some very good people. However the best part i feel is the hope.

But there are situations when you have worked very hard very very hard and still you fail miserably and even the friends who were your assets for a long time gets irritated by your behavior, when your family gets worried about you over a short breath, when the life seems more of a compromise, when you feel like: Fuck!! What will happen now ?

Turn your thoughts toward no-one but your own mind. Treasure the power of your own mind. Though difficult at times but all the answers are hidden in our own mind as we know our-self  better than anybody else does.What we think we become.

Life is a continuous learning experience. If one spends the amount of energy on getting out of the situation than on thinking what will happen, it really makes a-lot of difference. One has to know that there are lots of ups and downs in this life and there are lots of opportunities, always around us, as well. But by getting stuck by a failure one wont be able to treasure the these opportunities. Learn from failure and move on happily.

Start thinking positively, start thinking what if it is the last day of my life and you wont like it to spend it like this way. Start thinking that you are the happiest person ever born on this planet leaving all the negative thoughts behind. Keep telling your mind that you are the happiest, the luckiest, though conditions are all the same, it will leave a impression in your mind that Yes!! You are the happiest and you will start moving towards a better life. These things will definitely help you in a long run. No body knows what is there served for him in the platter tomorrow but one has to trust his instincts and expect that what ever it be, it is for the benefit for all. Believe me it's all in your mind.

P.S. Inspired from The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.

Monday 3 February 2014

एक नई शुरुआत । ।

आँखों में एक सपना है
जो सोने नहीं देता । ।

दिल में एक तूफ़ान है
जो हसने नहीं देता। ।

जगाता है सारी सारी रात
कहता है करो एक दिन रात । ।

इसे में प्य़ार कहूं या जानूं
पूरा  करके ही अब इसे मिलेगा सुकून । ।

आज नहीं तो कल पूरा होगा यह सपना
अभी कोई समझे न समझे कल हर कोई कहेगा अपना । ।

जिस दिन होगा मेरा सपना पूरा
तब नहीं रहेगा कोई ख़वाब अधूरा । ।

अब से ही मुझे दिन रात एक करनी है
कल का क्या इंतज़ार करना आज ही नयी शुरुआत करनी है।।  

Thursday 23 January 2014

Isn't it ??

We don't do anything to impress people
 We don't do many things to impress people.

Friday 17 January 2014

A Disheartened

I never wanted to grow up..
I never wanted to show up.

Not because i fear this cruel world..
Just because i fear being discriminated.

Not because i will get lost in this world..
But because i will be compared.

Not because i fear challenges..
Only because i want be what i am.

Sunday 12 January 2014

ज़िंदगी !!

मानो तो एक सपना है मानो तो एक सच्च ।।
ज़िन्दगी मे इतने बदलाव है जितना कड़वा है यह सच्च ।।
यही है ज़िंदगी।।१ ।।

लगती है ऐसे जैसे पर्वत सी बड़ी हो ।।
छोटी सी है यह ज़िंदगी मानो दो पल कि हि कड़ी हो ।।
यही है ज़िंदगी।।२ ।।

मिलते है इसमें दोस्त भी और मिलते है दुश्मन ।।
खुशियां भी बहुत है और साथ मे है गम ।।
यही है ज़िंदगी।।३  ।।

कभी ये रुलाती है कभी ये हसाती है ।।
कभी ज्यादा  हस दे तो हम पर हि ये मुस्कुराती है ।।
यही है ज़िंदगी।।४ ।।

प्यार भी सिखाती है जीना भी सीखाती है ये ज़िंदगी ।।
और पल में हि सिमट जाती है ये ज़िंदगी ।।
यही है ज़िंदगी।।५ ।।

जब भी ये तन्हा दिल घबराता है तभी करवट बदल लेती है ये ज़िंदगी ।।
यही है ज़िंदगी।।६ ।।

Tuesday 7 January 2014


 Despite being difficult at times it is very surprising. Yeah! life is full of unexpected ups and downs.We wake up completely unaware of what will be happening in the whole day ,where why who we will be meeting ,what will be the breaking news, will it be a sunny day a rainy day or a sudden storm is hidden behind the day. At what place or situation we are going to end up at the end of the day. How awfully boss will react. Certainly every moment of life in itself is very astonishing.

Meeting an old friend on the subway feels great. Watching and talking to new people around you is really fun. Experiencing new things, foods, beverages, holidays, adventures is so tempting that makes one escape from all the miseries of life.

Every day is different from all previous days in-fact every moment in itself is capable of changing our lives. Every moment in itself is a new beginning. Bad things do happen; how we respond to them defines our character and the quality of our life. We can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of our loss, or we can choose to rise from the pain, and treasure the most precious gift we have—life itself

Wednesday 1 January 2014

एक और साल बीत गया !!

बच्चा हु  सच्चा हु  दिल का अच्छा हु।।
अभी मै नादान हु एक नन्हा सा तूफ़ान हु ।।
बहुत बड़ी लगती ह यह ज़िन्दगी इसी बात से परेशान हु।। 
एक और साल बीत गया और मै अपनी युवा अवस्था कि और बढ़  चला !!    १ !!

लगता है ऐसे मै ही मै हु छोटी ह दुनिया सब में है कमिया।।
न कोई चिंता ह न कोई फिकर बस मै ही मै हु और यह शिखर।।
मै ही खुदा हु मै ही हु भगवान् सबसे अच्छा सबसे बुद्धिमान।।
एक और साल बीत गया और मै अपनी वृद्ध अवस्था कि और बढ़ चला !!२ !!

कल तक मै खुदा था खुद ही इस बात का गव्हा था।।
आज मै डरता हु इस बदलाव से डरता हु।।
रोज़ सुब्हा जब उठता हु दुनिया से नही खुद से ही झगड़ता  हु।।
अपने ही मन को समझाता हु आगे बढ़ने से घबराता  हु।।
एक और साल बीत गया और मै अपनी मृत अवस्था कि और बढ़ चला !!३ !!

आज सुबह जब आँख खोली तब यह पाया कि खुद से लड़ते लड़ते बीत गए कई  साल।।
खुद को संभालते संभालते बीत गए ढेरो साल।।
कल को सवारने में बीत गए इतने साल।।
और लो एक और साल  गया !!४!!